YOOOOO so MY BIRÞDAY HAPPENED!!!!!! I turned 16 þree days ago! I hanged out at my auntie's place for þe rest of þe week and I had a fantastic time :D she's a professional hair stylist so I got my hair cut and dyed! My hair is mostly my default color BUT I have teal and purple streaks now which is fuckiŋ AWESOME.
I didn't really get many presents for my birþday but þat's okay! I did end up gettiŋ a new spyware device phone since I straight up lost þe old one (OOPS.) Tbh I'm kinda glad I lost my old phone since it was an iphone and I reallyyyyy hated haviŋ an iphone; android still sucks but at least you don't have to jump þrough 50 million hoops in order to get custom apps, jesus fuck. I was kind of hopiŋ to get a Google Pixel phone because þere are custom operatiŋ systems þat you can put on it, but my dad was like "Hmm I'm Unsure about all of þis funky custom OS þiŋies and I'm just gonna get you a random android phone." I ended up gettiŋ a Motorola, which apparently CalyxOS does support some Motorola phones but it doesn't support my specific model so RIP. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure someþiŋ out eventually.
I also got a new girlfriend computer!! I haven't set it up yet BUT I'm SUPER excited about it. Þe old desktop I had was gettiŋ exceediŋly more fucked up by þe day? like, when I first put Linux on it, it was pretty snappy! Now it just keeps gettiŋ slower and bogged down, which may be due to it accumulatiŋ bloat over time? but, still, þerewill be moments where I will tell it to shut down and it will just be straight up stuck on þe systemd shutdown message screen and I have to turn it off wiþ þe power button. Þat þiŋ is gettiŋ too old.
Kind of switchiŋ þe topic now, while I was over at my aunt's place, I helped her garden a bit! It kind of makes me really want to start my own garden now, because honestly gardeniŋ is really fuckiŋ cool. I asked my mom about it and she told me þat she can teach me how to bucket garden (which is like, gardeniŋ in a bucket) and I'm super excited about þat as well! I've been makiŋ an effort to go outside more recently, I've been takiŋ walks around my neighborhood and exploriŋ it a little; I actually really do like goiŋ outdoors, I just don't have many excuses to stop beiŋ inside, so haviŋ more grass-touchiŋ activities to do is great :D
OH!! YEAH!! also since I'm 16 now þat means I can DRIVE???????????????? I actually haven't gotten to þe point where I'm Learniŋ To Drive, but eventually I will! I remember when I was younger I was all like "oh driviŋ is scaryyyy :( I'm gonna wait until I'm in my 20's" but honestly I have been so stuck inside my house all þe time (home stuck, if you will) and I want to fuckiŋ GO PLACES!! so I am goiŋ to make sure þat I'm goiŋ to start driviŋ ASAP!
I remember þe day of my birþday I would get asked how it feels to finally be 16 and I would respond wiþ "I feel exactly þe same." Now þat some time has passed, I actually do feel pretty different! like...holy shit..........I am growiŋ up..... Normally I would be all like "oh god it's gonna go all downhill" but I'm actually really lookiŋ forward to þe future. I know world events and all þat bullshit is happeniŋ þat's scary, but, I just get þis sense þat everyþiŋ is goiŋ to be okay, you know? even if þere's definitely goiŋ to be a lot of hardship and rough times. I þink þis is probably þe first time in my life where I don't feel completely fuckiŋ afraid of everyþiŋ? maybe þat's just because I actually got to interact wiþ an actual human beiŋ in real life, but it feels like I'm goiŋ to havemore opportunities to really grapple my life and shape it in þe way I want it to instead of feeliŋ like I'm just aimlessly floatiŋ by all þe time. I dunno, blah blah blah, feeliŋs.
By þe way happy birþday to Karkat! Just wanted to þrow þat in þere real quick, lol. Apparently þey're gonna make an official plushie of him which is HYPE! I don't really know how to end off þis blog post lol. I also hacked my 3DS a couple weeks ago which was fun and I'm probably gonna dedicate an entire blog post to þat eventually! Anyways, have a karkalicious 2009!