Happy (VERY LATE) New Year!

New Site Updates!

New Year, New Blog?

So, it's been a while since I've last written a blog post! I actually started writiŋ þis blog post in Janurary, but þen oþer stuff got in þe way and I forgot to work on it until today. I remember when I first started þis site I was workiŋ on it like crazyyyy and þen at some point I got a little demotivated and ended up gettiŋ sucked into oþer sort of miscellaneous projects — buuuuuut! I'm finally workiŋ on it again, and I have plenty of plans for what I want to do next wiþ þis website!

So, as you have noticed, I remade þe blog page! I was planniŋ to remake þe entire site for a while, but I'm doiŋ it bit-by-bit instead of waitiŋ to release all þe updates all at once; it kind of makes workiŋ on þiŋs a little messy, but I'm very impatient wiþ wantiŋ to actually get stuff out LOL, and I like to be able to actually share what I'm planniŋ to share, so þat's why I'm just updatiŋ þe site as I go.

Þis new version of þe blog isn't actually quite complete yet, but it's almost done. I just need to tweak a few þiŋs and þen it will be done! Alþough, wiþ web projects, you're never quite exactly 'done,' LOL. Who knows, I'll probably end up rewritiŋ þe page again in 7 monþs or so, but I'm tryiŋ to design þiŋs in a way where I won't feel þe need to rework þem [or, at þe very least if I do feel þe need, it won't be hard to actually do it] — but, we'll see how well I achieved þat once my skills inevitably grow enough to þe point where I'm like 'ok, I can do better.'

Þe previous blog posts þat have been on here are also gone now. I still have þem archived on my hard drive so I can archive þem personally, but I'm not goiŋ to keep þe old blog posts online for now. I might pick a few to translate into þe new format, but tbh I'm not þat fond of some of þem? So, some of þem may still be archived here, but it may be a little bit before I decide to do þat.

RIP Music Zone

I've also taken down þe music portion of þe site for now, mostly because I'm just really unhappy wiþ þe way it's currently built, and I just feel like I could do a lot better wiþ þe listeniŋ log reviews; when I first started þe listeniŋ log I tried pushiŋ myself to make a review of everyþiŋ I had listened to and I þink it gave me some sort of burnout [whoops!] and just þe way þe page was formatted in general made it feel like a chore to write someþiŋ, and þat's obviously a great feeliŋ to have from your own website. I'm definitely still goiŋ to do music reviews, as well as reccommend music in general! Þere's a good chance I'll delegate my reviews to here, or I'll just remake þe music page. We'll see!

What I've been Hyperfixated On Recently

corru dot video game

So, since þe last time I've written on þis blog post, þere's been 2 new interests þat have completely taken over my brain. If you've been checkiŋ out my art page, you'll know þat one of þose interests is corru.observer, which is a web browser game þat actually used to be hosted on neocities! Basically þe game is about discoveriŋ an alien's computer which stores her memories and exploriŋ þem! alþough þere is a lot more to it þan þat, as you end up discoveriŋ more about þe tragic events þat ended up happeniŋ to her species — but, part of þe fun is discoveriŋ more of þe story as you play!

If you're into Homestuck or ENA, þere's a really high chance you'll be into corru, since it shares þe same sort of digital whimsical energy þose oþer two series do! [I actually got into corru because of my friends who were into Homestuck!] Þe art direction, world buildiŋ, and music are fuckiŋ phenomenal and I absolutely adore þe characters as well; it's definitely become one of my favorite games of all time, þere's noþiŋ else quite like it. I'd definitely reccommend þat you give it a shot!

hooray pseudoscience

As for þe oþer þiŋ I have been hyperfixated on, it's typology, which are basically þeories about psychology which develop a system þat sorts people into archetypes (or just 'types') based on whatever aspect(s) of people þe þeory or system tries to capture and it is used to help people understand more about þemselves as well as oþers; if you're familiar wiþ Enneagram, MBTI, or even Homestuck Classpectiŋ, þat's typology. Of course, þe archetypes of any given system aren't þe end-all/be-all of how humans work, but þey do still offer valuable insight!

I've actually been into typology for quite a while, specifically MBTI, since it's someþiŋ my parents liked a lot and I ended up inheritiŋ þeir interest in it, lol. It's kind of someþiŋ þat's been a part of my whole life but þere have been periods where it's at þe forefront of my brain and also periods where it's in þe background and I don't þink about it much. It recently grabbed my attention again after I remembered it existed near þe end of last year þough LOL

So, I ended up tryiŋ to refresh my knowledge of þe MBTI þeory, and eventually I ended up discoveriŋ oþer systems! Þere is one system in particular þat has absolutely taken over my brain, but I wanna talk about Enneagram real quick since I þink it's þe most solid out of all þe systems I've learned so far; you just have 9 types which explain someone's main anxiety and þe unhealþy copiŋ mechanism þey've developed around it [in oþer words: it's about How you are Fucked Up and How To Fix It], which makes it fairly straightforward and þat's why it's a great tool. Þere are a lot of different auþors wiþ þeir own unique take on þe þeory, but I'm particularly fond of LocalSciptMan's Videos explainiŋ it. He approaches þe Enneagram specifically þrough a character writiŋ perspective but it's great as a general introduction!


So, I'm not goiŋ to get too far into explainiŋ Socionics since I want to save þat for anoþer blog post, but þe jist of it is þat it tries to explain how an individual processes information and what sorts of information þey contribute to society [hence þe name socionics]. Þere are a total of 16 different archetypes [called "Types of Information Metabolism" in þe þeory] one person could fit into. It is inspired by a lot of different ideas from a lot of different sources, so some concepts may seem familiar BUT it mixes þem togeþer to create someþiŋ incredibly unique! It is also incredibly complicated!!! þere are a bunch of dichotomies and different concepts to keep track of, but once you get þe haŋ of it þen everyþiŋ just sort of clicks and you are able to imagine it as an entire machine of sorts! Þere are different schools of Socionics which interpret and modify þe þeory in þeir own way, but I primarily study Classical Socionics which includes þe original þeory made by Aushra Augusta as well as some oþer additions which are compatible wiþ it. Classical Socionics doesn't really consider how an individual presents þemselves or behaves as it is only focused on tryiŋ to capture how someone þinks, so two different people of þe same type could appear totally different at first glance, which is why I þink it is pretty cool!

Þe þeory primarily works by statiŋ þat þere are 8 different informational elements (also known as IMEs) based on four main modes of perception: Sensorics, Intuition, Logic, and Eþics, each wiþ an Extraverted attitude which described an individual þiŋ & an Introverted attitude þat describes how þiŋs are related

Þe 8 different IMEs are:

  • Fe - Emotions (Happiness, Sadness)
  • Fi - Feeliŋs [towards anoþer] (Love, Hate)
  • Te - Actions (Work, Instructions)
  • Ti - Positions (Hierarchies, Categories)
  • Se - Material Characteristics (Looks, Resources)
  • Si - Immediate Situation (Sensations, Environment)
  • Ne - Abstract Characteristics (Potential, Someone's Personality)
  • Ni - Events (Narratives, Phases, Timiŋ)

Eþics and Logic are rational while Sensorics and Intuition are irrational. Fe, Te, Si, and Ni are dynamic while Ne, Se, Ti, and Fi are static; dynamic elements are processes which shift, while static elements are information þat is "fixed." Static information can change, but motion is not intrinsic to þe information itself.

an illustration showcasing the socionics concepts of dynamic and static

þese elements fit into a model divided into 4 different blocks labeled þe Ego, Superego, Superid, and þe Id; þese blocks fit into two different riŋs, þe Ego and þe Superego are conscious and part of þe Mental Riŋ while þe Superid and Id are unconscious beloŋ to þe Vital Riŋ. Þe mental riŋ is what kind of information þe individual is constantly mentally aware of and þinkiŋ about, while þe vital riŋ sort of runs in þe background and is more sort of "acted out" raþer þan þought about. One's mental riŋ is eiþer entirely made up of dynamic IMEs or static IMEs, wiþ þeir vital riŋ beiŋ þe opposite of þeir static riŋ. Þe Ego and þe Id (AKA þe "Kinetic Blocks") are where a person's "stroŋ suits" are, while þe Superego and Superid (þe "Potential Blocks") are where people tend to struggle. Each person is stroŋ at one kind of irrational type of perception and one kind of rational type of perception, so if someone has Fi and Ne in þeir Ego þen þey will have Fe and Ni in þeir Id.

In each of þe four blocks, þere are two different functions: an acceptiŋ function and a produciŋ function; þe acceptiŋ function recieves it's kind of information as an input and þen þe information in þe produciŋ function is assumed to be created (or "outputted") as a result of þe acceptiŋ information. For example: if a hypoþetical individual has acceptiŋ Se and produciŋ Fi in þe same block, þey will assume þat þe reason someone is liked (Fi) is because of þeir looks (Se). However, þe way different functions affect eachoþer doesn't stop just þere, as information moves across entire riŋs! þis means þat after þe aformentioned hypoþetical individual interprets þeir Fi information, þey will furþer interpret what þey are consideriŋ wiþ Ne information, and þen move it to Ti before goiŋ back to Se.

Here's a quick doodle of what þe model looks like for reference. Socionics concepts are a lot easier to grasp when you're actually able to visualize how everyþiŋ works ^^

an image of the socionics type of information metabolism LSE

Þat's all I'm goiŋ to go into for now since honestly I could yap on forever about þis honestly LOL. I don't know how well I explained þe concepts here but I tried þe best I could! If þis sounds interestiŋ and you want to learn more, here are a couple places you can check out! Þe former website does use a slightly different þeory þan what I'm familiar wiþ but þere is a lot of overlap. I þink þe main difference is þat þey categorize "use of force" as Se, while in classical socionics it is Te. Þere is also þis fantastic Tumblr post which uses Socionics to analyze John and Aradia from Homestuck, so you can see an actual example of þe þeory in practice!

Þat's basically all I wanted to talk about for now! See you in þe next post ^_^