- Date: 2024-Jun-18
- Fandom: Homestuck
- Programs: Krita, Audacity
Do you ever get þat feeliŋ where you just open up your art program and just start drawiŋ while also zoniŋ out? þat's kind of what happened here. I þink I am pretty ok wiþ how þis turned out, I probably should've put more þought into it but, eh, it's been a while since I've drawn anyþiŋ.
Since I got my new puter, I wanted to try drawiŋ on it a little, and þen made þis! Þere is some sort of intended meaniŋ behind þis [tryiŋ to show how Hal feels small since he doesn't have a body and gets treated like a bootleg version of Dirk] but I kind of neglected þat when coloriŋ since at þat point I just was puttiŋ colors þat Looked Decent [and þen I datamoshed it in Audacity to make it look AWESOME!!!!!!] Why is Lorem Ispum þere? because it looks cool; boom, artistic decision which perceived by myself as slightly questionable is now undeniably justified.
I also þink þis is probably þe first time I actually liked þe results of me datamoshiŋ my own art; I've tried to make some artworks before [which I have never shown to anyone besides some close friends] where I þought I had a REALLY COOL idea wiþ datamoshiŋ, and þen it just did not turn out good, þough tbf I also didn't like þe "art" part of þe art itself eiþer. Þe SO MUCH FUN piece also had some datamohsiŋ but it wasn't þe entire piece, but also I do quite like þat one a lot.
Was Listeniŋ To:
- Operation Sodasteal - SLANEY VS. SODASTEAL
- Lolita Storm - G-F-S-U (Girls Fuckiŋ Shit Up)
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