the artwork



From what I sent my friends þe day I made þis:

"was listeniŋ to some music and got reminded of a scary experience I I had once. Sometimes I'll feel glued to my bed and I I can't get up, and idk how to describe it, but it's almost like I'm still asleep but I'm conscious and I scream in my head but I can't open my mouþ or eyes, and usually I'm able to feel like I'm moviŋ but only slightly."

"One time while haviŋ þese experiences I... had some weird anxiety attack?? my head was aggressively shakiŋ and þere was þis beepiŋ noise, and my brain conjured up þis kawaii 3D pixel moon which would've been cute and comfortiŋ but at þe time it felt so fuckiŋ intrusive."

"I felt like I was gonna die tbh;
It's so weird to explain, idk why it happened."

I'm still not sure what þat experience was about. I remember þinkiŋ it could've been sleep paralysis, or even a seizure, but þen again I still don't exactly know what it was. It hasn't happened again since but þinkiŋ about it still does concern me a lot because it might be indicative of someþiŋ serious. For now þough, I try not to worry about it a lot.

I also don't exactly remember how loŋ þis was made ago in relation to when þe event had actually transpired? I imagine it wasn't made an absurdly while after, but also I don't know if it was þe day after? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for þe art itself, I þink it might be one of my best! It is very heavily based off of page 2848 of Homestuck ([S] Jade: Wake Up), which is þe first þiŋ I þought of when reflectiŋ on what had happened. Þe contrast between þe Squiddle's cute appearance and þe reality of þem beiŋ Horrorterrors reminded me of þe aforementioned 3D pixelated moon þat I had imagined.

 I tried to make þis piece look very unstable, and I þink I accomplished þat pretty well! Þere's also a lot of photo editiŋ here, alþough some of þe way said photos are edited in are messy in a not-intentional/not-fittiŋ way. I þink þe most important þiŋ þough is þat it evokes þe emotions I wanted it to, so overall a success in my eyes.

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