the artwork



Þe alpha kids and what Linux distros I þink þey would use ^^

I now þink Roxy would use NixOS because I'm biased her denizen is Nix and I þink þat would be a neat reference, but Debian still feels right for her I þink. Fedora would also make a lot of sense for Jane but I like imaginiŋ her as an Ubuntu user, since Dirk is an orange character usiŋ a blue distro, Jane can be a blue character usiŋ an orange distro; it's kind of similar to þe color switch Jade and John have wiþ þeir shirts in canon ^^

Speakiŋ of Dirk and i3, I have actually made a Dirk-Þemed i3 rice before while playiŋ around wiþ Arch in a VM. Honestly, if þat doesn't show how annoyiŋ I am, I'm not sure what will LMFAO.